Cabbage wedge
salad is one of my favorite roasted salads which you might have seen, but, the below one is a twist with mustard and cheese. I prepared this on last Saturday
in a family get-together and believe me it was an eye catcher and was real
would be fantastic dish next to a main course or as a lighter lunch option also.
Either way, if you are a cream cheese mustard fan, you'll likely love this, so
be sure to give it a try.
Cabbage wedges salad (
serves 2):

1 big cabbage cut into
small wedges
Mustard sauce (2 table
Chaat masala ( as per
Black pepper (as per
Bread crumps(4 breads
grinded for ½ a minute)
Spread cheese or cream
cheese (2 -3 table spoons)
Oil ( 1 tsp)

Add the cabbage wedges
in a baking dish and then sprinkle bread crumps, chaat masala, pepper and 1 table spoon of
cheese and then add another layer of bread crumps and sprinkle again chaat
masala, pepper , cheese and mustard sauce. Add 2-3 drops of oil over the crumps and
place the dish in the owen. Roast at
350F for 15-20 mins (till the bread crumps starts turning golden brown) and
then serve hot.
Happy Veggie Baking…………………………………………….
: ) agoodstuff