We recently visited GOA and got fully tanned at the beautiful beaches. Though we used sun screen lotions and blocks, still we got tanned badly. The anti tan lotions with a SPF factor between
( 25-35) are good enough to protect your skin, for children, SPF of (15-30) is
pretty ok; but in our case we stayed for longer hours at the beaches so none of
the blocks or sunscreens worked so well.
Precautions are
always better than cure but in any case as we got the tan, it has to be
removed. I personally used and recommended the below stated safe home remedies
for all my family members and friends and within 15-20 days there was a noticeable change
in our complexion.
- Apply a mixture of gram flour(2 tablesps), lemon juice(1 teasp) on the face and other affected areas,
- Use mixture of cucumber juice(1 tablesp) and curd(2 table sps) on the tanned areas and leave it for 10 mins and then scrub it with little choker(wheat bran) and badaam oil. Wash the areas with cold water. Do it every 5th day.
- Apply a mixture of honey and lemon juice, massage it into skin and wash it after 5 minutes only.
- Regularly using fresh coconut water to wash the face and other affected areas, improves the complexion.
- Try not to go in sun to decrease the melanin production under your skin and keep using tomato, cucumber juices to massage your skin everyday for 5-10 minutes.
- Apply a mixture of oats and butter milk, exfoliate it and then wash with cold water.
- Using raw milk with lemon juice also helps in reducing the sun tan or sun burn from your skin. Avoid rubbing it on skin if its a sun burn and you have flaky skin. In this case, apply the mixture softly with cotton, let it dry and then wash it gently with cold water.
If you have any other home remedy that magic wonders, please do share it with us...............agoodstuff:)
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